Ode to Raven
By JH Sayyar
Raven, a desert nightingale, a loneliness lark
With large wings crying Ka, Ka sits in trees
Rips garbage bags taking wires for nest, hark
Of twigs, conifers like fir increasing worries
March to May your breeding in spring time
Traces new areas for the next generation
Lay eggs in cuckoos’ nest; ah you deceive
You are intelligent in committing a crime
Convert it into your issues with elation
Collect rags and children edibles to grieve
You; bold; from where you learnt the skill
Your nest in trees stands in my Lady’s board
You eat my Rose food, you sing her will
All types of foods in the nest you hoard
Day time you guard; flies around seedbed
At night you vigil in pairs to protect the race
Your dark plumage shines like a shining star
I see my Lady’s broken bangles and thread
In your nest O Raven, steels my Lady’s grace
I request to leave the nest; fly far and far!
O Raven, come; let me see in your eyes
My Lady’s doings; store in your balls
I cannot listen to her wail; even her cries
Come and make your nest in my halls
Come with her broken bangles in the beak
Manna for me, very sad I have been!
I miss her coral breasts; her silky thighs
I weep all day; creaks on my dullest cheek
Silver in hair, gait bowing down may be seen
Loneliness thorns injure me! Sobs and sighs