37. Ode to the Cock and crow


37. Ode to the Cock and crow

                           By JH Sayyar


Cock! A terror for the lion with five toes,
Eats left over; fond of sex with a long tail,
I see in villages; standing crows in rows,
You search food by your forked nails, I hail!
Ah! After mating; three claws back you keep,
Two on front, before your spouse and sings,
A mating song to call for your tiny issues,
To eat insects of soft earth people reap,
Calls hens by crowing and flapping wings
Drinking water; head up; with diving woes


O crow with silver light and light spot,
Corn field, your food source tears cobs,
With its bill, farmers’ mate, you taught,
Your issues to eat, weevils among the mobs,
You attract your mate, in a cool breezy air,
Once you mate, you never leave at any rate,
For home collect moss, feathers and stitch,
More clever than geese and you dare,
To snatch bread from the kids mothers hate,
In danger warns; calling at the highest pitch.


Listening to you; your issues at once come,
O Crow! Your Caw, calls for another crow,
Both shriek for food here, come here come,
All come; flying in a circle in a dancing row
My Lady listens to me not; turns face away,
O Cock and Crow! You lucky support issues,
All come anon to enjoy with family food,
You; happy than me; I am on earth; not gay,
What is in your call? My calls give me woes,
Her sleeping day and night teases my mood

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