5. Ode to Being


5. Ode to Being

           By JH Sayyar

 Elements’ essence: Eve’s and Adam’s son,
Flesh, bones, body and heart; not its force,
To search for the body secrets, physicians’ fun,
None knows all, psyche and souls course.
Matter; earth, spirit; stars and soul from God,
These powers work in men control human actions,
Angels push images mind to do right or wrong,
Wisdom guides to goal ignoring all reactions,
Deeds are written in codes, with a mighty rod,
Hanging around the neck, our deeds in a pod,
Cannot be erased by time, we vermin ding-dong.

What is being? A golden book of deeds,
Its writers mighty in writing thoughts and emotions
If we sow good deeds, how can we reap weeds?
Silence rules universe, that day all commotions,
Being weeps in being, in vain hearts, ears and eyes,
Ears to listen, eyes to see, heart to make decisions,
Wisdom judges calls; images push men to do,
Something right and wrong; printed on the visions.
Reason cannot inspire action, but our hot cries,
Goodness prolongs life, badness calls for surmise.
One day all see with eyes on earth who was true?

Neither being is wisdom, nor in a solid reason,
It is God’ voice in men, not a part of God’s being.
Its nature is elastic, we shrink it; our open treason,
None thinks while men are blindly seeing.
Promise graph; up and down, lies dry the root
Being saves men from hell; closes to paradise
Being makes men human being as the tailor men.
Fools ignore being on earth but care all wise.
When its graph goes up; earthly beings salute,
He flies to heaven; wearing being’s golden boot,
See all things great or small as with her eyes hen

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