Ode to the Rowan Tree
Oh! Mountain ash, Witches’ Delight of Eye
Berry full fairies’ and witches’ resting place,
Planets your issues, branches talk to the sky,
Protection from witches and fairies, stop pace
Under the shades, horses and travelers sit to rest,
You protect from the evil charms of the witches,
Bind a necklace around the wrist; women make,
Spindle wheels, you; the pride of mountain crest
Healing sickness touching the barks failing riches
Sleepers under the shades, intellectual awake.
Wonder full charm in your black berry fruit
Makes drunk, the eater at the same time
Lives hundred years on, powerful its root,
Blessed are; that on the mountain tops prime
If someone eats the berry third time in a day
He will be young again; of thirty years,
Birds that eat the berries, live long on height
Fly to heaven, crossing the space with gay
No death to red berry eaters, unknown to tears,
More powerful wings, claws never failing might.
O Rowan! You grow away from my Swan,
O Sharvan! Take my Lady, to the Rowan Tree!
Let her eat three berries! Take her, I do pawn,
Kissing day and night we are free of worry,
Her stay there saves her; from evil eyes,
Our love; holy it must remain always on earth,
If my lady be young to kiss her cheeks and lips,
Her essence transfers to my body by kiss sighs,
We both young as in winter coals in hearth,
But alas! I kiss my Lady’s lurking parts in kips