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264. Today when you go to sleep tonight!

SONNET 664 By JH Sayyar Today when you go to sleep tonight! Over your lovely face the stars shine! But missing my poor being you bite! Your eyes full of tears, heart not fine; When tears roll down to the ground! Touching your red, red cheek; O Fair You will listen to your heart sound! Ah! Wealth and comforts cannot care In the darkest night when you be alone Cover your eyes with your pink palm What will you do? When I am gone! Without me! You will get no calm! O Lady! Come close, give me your ears My being; a candle in gloom, no fears!

263. Since a long, long time I have been

262. O Lady! We each of us try to trace!

261. O Fair! I see all around me sorrows

260. O My Fair! Loneliness bites me!

259. Sitting in the park I fell in a dream;

258. Alas! We cannot help in life everyone;

257. When cute butterflies fly over lilies;

256. Night is upset: sleep dear stars!

255. Man: a fool among all creatures!

254. With the passage of time; things change!

253. O Rose! I see two fools face to dace

652. O Rose! The days spent with you in past;

651. Next year when you come to see

650. God teach; if wit and wisdom fail

649. When I come at home after hard toil

648. An old man told me in the dream

647. All around me I see nature all signs

646. All rumors about the coming Doomsday!

645. An angel met me tonight in the dream

644. O My Lady, give me your ears

643. O Bright Lady bad time will pass

642. A wise man told me in dream

641. In my sunken eyes when tears float

640. Time changes direction, not here!

639. I weep like fountain day and night

638. All bow down before cruel time

637. Listen carefully to my wise talk!

636. O Lady! Sun rises daily in the east

635. No end of fog on the mountains!

634. I sprinkle thoughts through Quora!

633. History is most important in our life

632. Heaven’s secret celestial virtues

631. O Rose I trust in your wild eyes

630. Alas! We have all fallen prey!

629. O Rose! I am fed up with you!

628. O Lady, open your gentle eyes!