11. Ode to My Fair's Passions


11. Ode to My Fair’s Passions

                                             By JH Sayyar

Three passions I see in my Fair: front, Nose and Eyes,
Eyes show sex, front reason, intellect carries nose,
All soul properties, produced by the motions rise
Good or bad, honesty and dishonesty shows,
True and false, nose dowry senses; a power of soul
My lady’s frame, a perfect master piece of art,
A beauty queen, all beauties’ shadows of my Love,
The mirror and walls know her secret of heart,
My sorrows and sufferings, burn me like coal,
My heart weeps, as a baby on his self broken doll,
I listen to her voice; let hands go below and above,

Love, hate, like, dislike, my Lady’s sex power,
When happy, arises early; full of pleasure,
Her absence shows sadness, as a withered flower
A cute face, crooning lips my Lady’s treasure,
Most secret, in willful ocean like gem in snail,
How drops turn into gem none knows its nature
None knows about gem rain, falls from the sky,
Just like my Lady’s anger a piece of literature,
As is famous; birds chirping Maldive’s dale,
Someday dear; our love; the part of a fairy tale,
None knows where will our bodies together lie

Ah! When your  sex power awakes you gay,
It turns to revenge, recalls all past sullen days,
Red, blue and pink, symbolizes; childhood fray,
Walk in moonlit enhancing my literacy craze,
When nose power anger shows, with its fume flows,
Unseen but with being, sit on the proper place,
Adds beauty charm to my cute, cute Swan
Love in eyes, hate in heart none can it trace
Anger and horror,  sit on your pretty nose,
Hope and boldness on the cheeks in a cute pose,
I see in my trance; sits happily in my Lady’s lawn

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