8. Ode to My Ladylove


8. Ode to MY Ladylove

                              By JH Sayyar

I see rain falling, shining moon in the skies,
The night is calm, hail all around me hail;
I see the gliding star behind the moon; night cries
Of dusky birds, what they sing my all wits fail,
Falling rain reminds me of my Swan’s dews,
Falling from her hair, beaming in moon light,
Crazy love in eyes, a thought in her bosom lies,
Moon rays on her breasts, enhancing my poet flight,
Her hands and cheeks, all Arehans confuse,
Lips make brighten black, does wonder the Muse.
Night pixy over her head, watch the seven skies.

Rain stops, cool breeze touching my cheeks,
Come my Swan; sit by me, with floating hair,
The night still, and full all earthly creeks,
A calm night, like Norway coast for love affair,
Come let us walk, in this heavenly sight
See the sight, sharks playing with the waves,
In the moonlight, If you were here enjoy,
The waves, the moon, empowering dark caves,
Your smiling face, I see in the sea on my right,
Your rings, wearing soft fingers shine duck light,
Stay here for forever, do not say me scene good bye

Ah! You away from me, in heart you I feel,
Your cool presence, in the tear mirror I see,
Alluring my lower hunger, but I do steal,
Your love silently like drops in a snail secretly,
Come, darling, the sight is warm for bill and coo,
Water throws snails to shore, small and great,
Looks dazzling in moonlit like your coral breast,
But you are not with me, hard is my poor fate,
You miss a fine night, Sweet Darling is it true?
I miss you as Napoleon missed Clark in the war of loo,
Come close; my Swan, for love the sight is the best

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